Platform and App
A tool kit. Designed for you. Game-changing.
A world-first, science-based breathing platform for people and workplaces.
Download the app and start learning today.
Take a Breath helps adjust your breathing patterns
The pace and pressure of 21st century living has meant our breathing has shifted, from our diaphragm to our chest. And when we shallow breathe, into our chest, it intricately changes our state. It’s caused a systemic anxiety state, globally.
Learn the science. Reset your breathing patterns. Be well again.
Learn about stress, anxiety and breathing with learning modules
Take a Breath teaches you the science. Using a stepped approach, you’ll discover succinct videos, short quizzes and learning summaries.
Listen and learn with BreathePods
Browse the Take a Breath collection of audios, and learn about the relationship between modern-day pressures, and breathing.
Set your breathe training schedule
Breathing is part of the autonomic nervous system, and we’re not designed to think about it. Use your personalised breathe-trainer to set reminders and breathe well, everyday, while you work.
Use the animated 60s breathe icon to help you breathe well
Take a moment. Turn your attention from what you’re doing. Use the guided breathe animation to help you breathe well, into your diaphragm for 60s.
And so much more
We measure behaviour change, because our mission is to make a difference. You’ll find free resources, and a 7-Day Challenge that reports changes in sleep, anxiety and energy, so you can experience the benefits for yourself.
In the Workplace
Take a Breath provides a multi-channel approach to learning. It includes seminars, webinars, online learning, activations that support behaviour change and a seamless, end-to-end communications plan to keep your people engaged.
Our work is not to be considered medical advice, or to replace the advice of your specialist. Should you require expert advice and training for your breathing, please contact one of our Bradcliff clinicians.
For information about Bradcliff and to access the network of clinicians please visit
Responding to a community in need
All right reserved © Take a Breath 2023