Daniela Kaufer

Berkeley, USA

Daniela Kaufer is lead scientist at The Kaufer Lab. The Kaufer Lab is a neuroscience research lab at the University of California, Berkeley. 

Under the umbrella of stress and blood-brain barrier research, The Kaufer Lab has a diverse array of projects focused on stress, traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer’s and aging. 

Kaufer’s work investigates molecular events that underlie brain plasticity and deterioration in the face of stress and neurological insults, bridging the gap between physiological effects and the molecular and cellular events that underlie them, and has identified novel mechanisms through which stress affects the brain.

She also holds appointments in the Stem Cell Center and the Neuroscience Institute.

While they are primarily a molecular neuroscience lab, interdisciplinary approaches ranging from cell culture to behavioural analysis are used, and frequently collaborations expand their methods of analysis including high-resolution imaging, electrophysiology, and high-throughput methods. 

Daniela’s work was instrumental in the early stages of Take a Breath, providing clinical input on how stress affects the brain, as well as review of the Take a Breath resources and material.

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